Some of our REFERENCES

Iritec Procurement Control System parts Siemens EWS hardware and license
NIOSC-Karon Gas Petrochemical Procurement Shortages and Control System Support DeltaV DCS , Hima ESD , and 8 no’s Siemens PLC system for Compressors , Hima BMS
NIOSC-Karon Gas Petrochemical-AMAK Engineering and Commissioning of DCS & ESD & PLC systems for Plant Phase 2 DeltaV DCS , Hima ESD , and 8 no’s Siemens PLC system for Compressors , Hima BMS
Zobahan-Oxygen Injection Engineering, Procurement of PLC System Siemens EWS hardware and license
Zobahan-Oil Injection Engineering, Procurement of PLC System Siemens EWS hardware and license
Behbahan Cement Engineering and Commissioning of Upgrade PCS7 4 CPU with 6 EWS and OWS Centralize Energy system database and Automatic Report sheet
NIOSC- Aghajari Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of DCS & ESD system PCS7 solution with 2 CPU and 4 HMI.
IOOC (Iran Oil Offshore Company)-Balal platform Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of Upgrade Monitoring DCS ABB AC400
to AC800X .
AC800XA Solution with 4 CPU and 15 HMI
NIOC-Shazand Oil storage Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of Upgrade Monitoring DCS ABB AC400
to AC800X . .
AC800XA Solution with 3 CPU and 6 HMI
Behbahan Cement Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of S7 PLC Cement mill. PCS7 Solution with 2 CPU and 4 HMI
Behbahan Cement Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of S7 PLC Crusher. PCS7 Solution with 1 CPU and 2 HMI
Behbahan Cement Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of S7 PLC Rawmill & Kiln. PCS7 Solution with 2 CPU and 4 HMI
Karoon Cement Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of Upgrading S5 to S7 PLC Cement
mill, raw mill and Kiln.
PCS7 Solution with 5 CPU and 10 HMI
Bojnourd Cement Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of Upgrading S5 to S7 PLC Cement
mill, raw mill and Kiln.
PCS7 Solution with 5 CPU and 10 HMI
Neka Cement Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning S7 PLC Packing, Dryer and Recklimer. PCS7 Solution with 3 CPU and 4 HMI
Doroud Cement Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of S7 PLC Cement mill, raw mill and
Kiln Line 3.
PCS7 Solution with 4 CPU and 10 HMI
Doroud Cement Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of S7 PLC Cement mill Line 2. PCS7 Solution with 2 CPU and 4 HMI
Abyek Cement Installation, cabling of whole electrical equipment in raw mill and kiln.
Zobahan Steel Plant Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of S7 PLC Furnace Kiln. PCS7 Solution with 2 CPU and 10 HMI and 30 MCC and LVD panel
Zobahan Steel Plant Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of S7 PLC Roll mill. PCS7 Solution with 3 CPU and 8 HMI and 30 DC Drive Panel
Zobahan Steel Plant Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of S7 PLC Cooling Water. PCS7 Solution with 1 CPU and 3 HMI and 10 MCC Panel
Zinc Bandarabbas Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of 10MW solar mars turbine control
PCS7 solution with 2 CPU and 6 HMI
Saypa Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of F&G system Scame solution
Saypa Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of HVAC system Siemens solution with 4 S7-300 and 4 HMI.
Sungun Cooper Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning of DCS system PCS7 solution with 5 CPU and 8 HMI.